Authors Live Luncheon

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This event requires a payment of $20.00 per registrant to attend.
Registration for this event will close on April 10, 2025 @ 11:45am.
There are 20 seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

Authors Live Luncheon at Fox Run is back! For just $20 per person, enjoy a buffet lunch experience along with an interesting presentation! Our feature speaker is Curtis Chin, author of Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant. The book is about growing up Asian American in the Black and white city of Detroit and coming out in his working-class immigrant community, as well as being a first-generation college student at the University of Michigan.

Copies of his book will be available for purchase (cash or check only). Event will be held at Fox Run Belmont Clubhouse (41200 Fox Run Rd., Novi). Limited to 50 seats. 

TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD: Please enter your credit card information upon registration on this page.

TO PAY BY CASH OR CHECK: Please call the Administration Office at 248-869-7204 (Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm).

No refunds after March 28.


Logos for Friends of Novi Library, Fox Run by Erickson Senior Living and Renaissance The Baronette Hotel Detroit-Novi


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Payment Information

You are about to make a one time payment of $20.00 for this event.

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